How do I parse a ctrl-A delimited string?

Short answer: “\001” vs data

Use the vs (vector from scalar) function:

q)”\001″ vs fstring

We can combine vs with /: (each right) to break up each component:

q)”=” vs/: “\001” vs fstring
“f1” “va”
“f2” “vb”
“f3” “vc”

Note that you cannot put any space between vs and /:. If you did, that would be a comment.

We might next turn fstring’s contents into a table using a combination of flip and ! (dict):

q)flip "=" vs/: "\001" vs fstring
"f1" "f2" "f3"
"va" "vb" "vc"
q)`field`value ! flip "=" vs/: "\001" vs fstring
field| "f1" "f2" "f3"
value| "va" "vb" "vc"
q)flip `field`value ! flip "=" vs/: "\001" vs fstring
field value
"f1"  "va"
"f2"  "vb"
"f3"  "vc"

This is almost what we want. Usually, though, you want the field names to be symbols rather than strings. We can do that by applying (@) the $ (cast) operator to (only) the values of the field column:

q)columns: @[flip "=" vs/: "\001" vs fstring; 0; `$]
f1   f2   f3
"va" "vb" "vc"
q)flip `field`value ! columns
field value
f1    "va"
f2    "vb"
f3    "vc"

However, there is a shortcut we can take to deconstruct the string into a table using one of the many variants of 0::

q)flip `field`value ! “S=\001” 0: fstring
field value
f1 “va”
f2 “vb”
f3 “vc”

Not only is this last example more succinct, it’s much faster:

q)\t do[100000;
flip `field`value !
@[flip "=" vs/: "\001" vs fstring; 0; `$]]
q)\t do[100000; flip `field`value ! "S=\001" 0: fstring]

See also How do I build a ctrl-A delimited string?